Mission Bay News & Updates

Free Caltrain Pass Forward

San Francisco county residents and employees who earn less than $109,700K* can Ride Caltrain for free in 2025!

  • Unlimited travel 7 days a week for one year!
  • Travel anywhere along the peninsula from San Francisco to Gilroy.
  • Caltrain connects to SamTrans, VTA, BART, San Francisco International Airport, San Jose Mineta International as well as the 28 cities and train stations (pass valid only on Caltrain.)
  • Good for all types of trips: work, social, medical, recreational or other.

More Info


* ($125,350/Household of 2; $141,000/Housold size 3; $156,650/Household size 4 or more) 

Large Event Traffic Restrictions

Expect shuttle delays as large events (attendance over 10,000) begin or end due to street closures and traffic congestion.

 Parking restrictions:

    • Parking meter rates convert to a higher amount:
      View current schedule
    • Parking is prohibited on a number of streets immediately around the arenas. View map
    • Some metered parking converts to tow-away zones during events.

 Event Day Street Closures (10,000+ attendance):

 Chase Center:

  • Two hours before until one hour after each event:
    -16th St, between 3rd St and Terry Francois Blvd
    -Warriors Way, between 3rd St and Terry Francois Blvd
    -Northbound Illinois St, between Mariposa and 16th St, will be local access only
  • Additional street closure 30 minutes before until 45 minutes after each event:
    -Northbound 3rd St, between 16th St and Warriors Way
  • View street closure map

Oracle Park:

  • Two and a half hours before the opening pitch, the SFMTA will close eastbound King Street between 3rd and 2nd streets to vehicle traffic. King Street will reopen after first pitch until the seventh inning.
  • From the seventh inning until post-game traffic dies down, the SFMTA will again close eastbound King Street between 3rd and 2nd streets to vehicle traffic in order to reduce congestion on city streets.
  • Additionally, the northbound portion of the 4th Street Bridge (Peter R. Maloney Bridge) will be closed to all traffic except Muni, taxis and bicycles during the post-game period.

New Caltrain Schedule Starts 1/27/25

Caltrain will implement minor schedule changes on Monday, Jan. 27, 2025:

    • Most weekday and weekend trains will be adjusted by one to two minutes to improve on-time performance.
    • Trains 113 and 141 will depart Tamien and San Jose Diridon stations four minutes earlier.
    • Train 104 will start 25 minutes earlier, leaving San Francisco Station at 5:30 a.m. and arriving at Tamien by 7:08 a.m. This will impact the BART transfer at Millbrae, please consider the 6:38 a.m. train (#502).
    • South County Connector evening trains will be adjusted by one minute. There will be no change to morning trains.

Starting in 2025, Caltrain will adjust its schedules in January and August to be in alignment with other regional transit agencies.


MUNI Service Changes

Starting January 20 2024, MUNI is adjusting service on some routes, including service frequency increases, decreases, and stop changes. See full list.

Mission Bay stop changes:

  1. Near the 4th and King streets Caltrain Station, new stops are being added at 3rd and Brannan streets (inbound) and 4th and Berry streets (outbound) to create a new connection for riders looking to transfer between Muni and Caltrain.
  2. The existing 4th St & King St stop served by the T Third Bus and 91 3rd Street bus will be relocated a half-block south to help with congestion at the 4th and King streets intersection.


January 1 BART Fare Changes

Fare Increase: On Monday, January 1, 2024, BART fares will increase by 5.5%. The average fare will increase by 23 cents. You can calculate new fares by selecting a January 1 date using BART’s Trip Planner and online Fare Calculator.

Discount Increase: Clipper START discount will increase from 20% to 50%. Low income riders will now pay half the regular fee on BART.

BART Discounts

  • Youth 5-18 years old get 50% off with a Youth Clipper card.
  • Seniors 65 and over get 62.5% off with a Senior Clipper card.
  • Low-income riders get 50% off starting Jan. 1, 2024, through the regional Clipper START program, available to adult riders earning 200% or less of the federal poverty level.
  • The RTC Clipper card is a version of Clipper created for passengers under 65 with qualifying disabilities for 62.5% off fares.
  • BART offers a “High-Value Discount.” Adult Clipper cards get a 6.25% discount on cash value rides by buying $48 worth of value for $45 or $64 worth of value for $60 when autoload is set up.

October 1, 2024 Shuttle Schedule Change

We are making minor adjustments to our shuttle schedule effective Tuesday, October 1, 2024. Please note the following changes:

• We’ve adjusted our timetables to better align with recent BART and Caltrain schedule changes.
• Buses will run at the same or slightly improved frequencies during peak periods.
• Most timing changes are within 5 minutes of the current schedule.
• Last evening run times have changed.

Timetables Effective October 1st

West Route

East Route

Transbay/Caltrain Route

View current timetables in effect through September 30th

New BikeLink app for easy bike parking at BART Stations

The new BikeLink mobile app can be used instead of a pre-paid BikeLink card to access and pay for elockers:

  • The app lets users put time on the meter and open the door to park their bike inside.
  • BikeLink cards will continue to work.
  • New users can start with a minimum of $5 on their BikeLink account.
  • (BikeLink card balance and the BikeLink app balance are not connected.)
  • elockers are available at 40 BART stations




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